Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What a new journey. Junior year. Nuff said. It's only been a week and 2 days and I already feel like my head is going to explode. The work is crazy, everything matters more now than it did ever. It sometimes feels like I have more work than some of the seniors do. Crazy right? But, you know what, part of me actually doesn't mind it. Now THAT sounds crazy, huh? It's challenging me. Giving me that responsibility to manage my time, get my work done, etc. Once I start working it'll be even more of a responsibility. It's getting me really excited for going to college. I mean right now I'm sitting at Starbucks, supposed to be(:, working on homework. Ha! I could so get used to this. All you people that have already been through highschool know exactly what I'm talking about. Those of you who are on this journey with me, let's do it. Together. It's not forever, even though it may feel like it, lol. God knows it's hard. He didn't make it easy. What would be the point in learning from our mistakes and becoming a better person if it was? Ten points for God for that! Junior year has also taught me how to lean on Him more. I mean it's a small thing, but when I get overwhelmed I just ask, no I beg, for God to give me peace. He does(: He listens to even the smallest of things. Being a teenager can really teach us a lot. The good and the bad. But, no matter what it does, it shapes who we're going to be when we're older. Even if you're the complete opposite than who you were in highschool, you still learned how you didn't want to be. Am I right? One piece of advice I want to give, even though it seems obvious, is whenever things just get so chaotic, open the Bible to some random page and just start reading. God will know what you need to hear at that exact moment. Like I said it seems obvious, but how many of us actually do that? We say we do. But are we actually relying on His word to give us comfort. Or something else? God and I have pretty awesome conversations. We talk Kailyn-style. It's pretty funny if you actually happen to listen to me. I basically speak whatever is on my mind. He already knows what I'm thinking so why not say it? He wants to hear me say it. It's like if someone does something wrong. You know in your heart that they are truly sorry. But you want to hear it. Nothing is settled until the words are spoken. Same with God. He knows what we're going to say or what we're feeling. But, He wants us to say it. In the Bible it talks about confessing with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. Well why not confess everything else? He already knows, so you might as well just say it. Even though I feel like I ramble sometimes on here I know it's for a purpose that I started blogging. Someone out there needs this as much as I do. Someone out there will be able to relate in some way or another and they'll think, "I'm not alone." No. You most certainly are NOT alone. Because not only am I here, but Jesus is here. He's listening to you and He loves you. Don't ever forget that.