Thursday, June 14, 2012

Taking Things for Granted

Well, the time finally came.  The day that I have literally been DREAMING about since school started.  I graduated high school.  Thirteen years of work, studying, tests, quizzes...It's all done.  Now I am entering in the season of branching out and becoming an adult.  College.  If you ask some what their perspective on college is, you will get a very biased answer.  I mean, that's pretty much how anything is now a days right?  But know thing I'm learning is to not take what you have for granted.  It has always been something I've had on my heart after my dad died and I want to show others that same thing.  The time you have now, this very moment, is a time you will never get back again.  Teens, you're young, beautiful, alive and active.  So go out there and start living!  Adults, you've started this life of a career, possibly married, perhaps a kid or two.  Look at that beauty!  You have a paying job, a family, what more could you need?  Senior citizens, now I am only 18 so I have no idea what y'all have seen and been through, but I know some of the things God can do.  Y'all have been on this earth so much longer than us, we look up to you! Every move you make, every sound you make, we just want to live a long and successful life like y'all have.  

The world definitely is not a perfect place. Far from it.  But it's the world we live in.  So let's make it the best we've got.  There maybe a day when everything and every second is going the complete opposite of what you want.  Embrace it.  At least you are going through something you can handle.  And at least you know you can wake up the next day and know it is a new day.  As far as everything else? Be thankful!:) You never know when your last breath will be.  Make every second count.

Now please keep in mind, I'm saying all of this in consideration.  Don't have you're mid life crisis as a 25 year old and go crazy.  Please don't do that.  But still have fun:) It is completely possible to have fun that is safe, godly, adventurous and appropriate all at the same time.  Trust me, I've been having the time of my life for the past few months.  I've gotten so much closer to a certain group of friends from school, I've gotten closer to my family, and I have gotten so much closer to my best friends.  God gives us so many blessings in just one day.  Tonight, take time to count them and thank Him for them.  It makes all the difference in the world, I promise.