Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alright, let me just say, God is way cooler than we give Him credit for. I admit, it's been a while since I have posted, but it's all in His timing, right? This summer God has really started to transform my heart. He has done things and grown me in ways I didn't even know were possible. Two months ago, I never would have thought I'd be this far in my walk with Him. Last night I heard a message from Eileen Hunter and man was she on fire. She talked about going from "Lame to Lethal" for God. How cool would it be to feel dangerous for God:)? She mentioned right when you wake up the enemy scurries because he's thinking "Oh he or she goes again. She's awake and she's on fire." Hello?! I'm in!! Something my mom has told me lately is really listen to God for today, and tomorrow will work out. How true is that? Lemme tell ya, God has rocked my world. I have been sitting on a still roller coaster for Him. I'm SO tired of just sitting there!!! I'm ready for Him to ROCK my world. And lemme tell ya, He has. I really pray that people just spend time with Him. I spent five minutes listening to worship music before I got out of bed on day. It made all the difference. He's not asking for 6 hours! Although, that's how it should be. We sit there and think "I just have to spend an hour with Him then I get the rest if the day." Hello!? It should be the other way around! He should get 23 hours of our day and we have the other hour. After all, outlives are HIS. Just saying'. I'm back bloggin y'all. And I have so much on my heart I can't wait to share.

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