Thursday, October 27, 2011

Something really hit me today. I graduate in about 218 days. I enter the real world is less than a year. This next year things are really starting to count. Part of that scares me. How do I know I'm ready for something that big? But how will I found out without taking that step? I've decided I want to move out next year. Yes, it will take a lot of planning and budgeting for sure, but I know it's something I want to do. I've been praying about it and that the Lord guide my steps. He's definitely doing so. He's already beginning to show me different things that will benefit for next year. God's very smart. He knows what He's doing and He will absolutely out you on the right path. Everything He puts in your path is to grow and strengthen your for your future. What I want you to hear is, don't give up. I really feel like the Lord is putting "Don't give up" on my heart for some people. Whether you even read this or just click on the link, do not give up. Every trial, every rough patch, every joyful moment, is shaping you for tomorrow. Do not give up now. Keep going. He will hold you up.

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