Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love. Every girl's dream. True love. It's not a myth. It's not impossible. It's real. It's unpredictable. And it's complicated. But, does that stop us? Not at all. The difficult part, waiting for that one true love to enter your life. We hate to admit it, but as much as we say that we're okay with waiting for the right person, we hate waiting. It's hard. Yes, I'm 16. But, that doesn't mean I'm blind to what love is. I know it when I see it. And it's beautiful. I know that in my future, whether it be 5 or 10 years away, I will get the perfect love for me. Right now, it's seems like a life-time away. Every movie I see or story I hear makes the waiting harder. But, oh so worth it. God made me the type of person that wants that more than anything. I know He puts that in all of us. But, He especially put it in me. Honestly, it sometimes makes me cry at night. You know when you see something so happy and so breath-taking that all you can do is cry? That's how it makes me feel. I can't explain. It's that feeling that the entire world can be crashing down all around me, but I feel that warmth and I can sit there and smile. Mr. Right will do that for me. If I'm feeling like that now just imagine what I'll feel then. All the brokenness from this and that will not only be healed by the grace of God, but complete. Now, don't get me wrong. Jesus has my heart. I'm all His. But, God made men and women a part of each other. He made us to want one another. He made us in His image. It wouldn't make sense to not want that completeness in your life. That love that not only shines because Jesus Himself died because He loved us, but the love a person has for another because of Who made us. With love comes patience, trust...faith. All it comes down to now is whether or not we choose to believe that and that the right person comes at the right time when we need each other the most. Not when we want each other the most.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer camp 2010 is approaching quickly. This past year has sadly sucked. Yes. Completely. It had its wonderful moments. Don't get me wrong, but overall, I've never had to deal with so much that a teenage girl must deal with. Last week I started meeting the girls I'm rooming with for camp. Today, I fell like I have so much in common with these girls. Between my best friend, Erin, and I meeting and bonding with these girls, I feel like this summer is really going to be unforgettable. And, amazingly, it's in a very good way! We all have our secrets. The good thing is, God knows all those secrets before we even tell anyone. Today I was at lunch with Erin and I realized while I was talking that I have someone there no matter who's busy or out of town or can't hangout of whatever reason. Erin, yes that person is you...but I'm referring to Father on this one(; He's my everything. I used to go around saying that, but never living like it. It's hard to live a hypocritical life. It's so much easier if we just obey the Lord. I'm a visual person. So when God tells me something, I visually see it. The biggest one that has never left my mind has been when He told me to let go of everything I have or ever cared about or been close to. People, houses, buildings, sounds, everything. I saw myself standing in-between darkness and light. Darkness at my back and the light in front of me. Whatever I needed to let go of, I was holding in my hands. Every time something new popped up in my hands, He told me to let it go. That hardest person to let go of...my dad. He was standing there in front of me holding my hands. Whispering, "Kailyn let go of me. I'm always with you. You know that. Scripture says that. He says that. But you need to let me go." Was that hard to hear or what?! But I obeyed....lemme tell ya, WORTH IT!!! I encourage you, listen to God's still small voice. If you have to, quiet your heart. I have to. I'm a loud person, but quieting my heart for God is the best thing I could do for anyone. He tells me exactly what I need to hear when I need to hear it. He brings me joy. He opens my eyes to what I need to see. He opens my ears to what I need to hear. He gives me the words that I need to speak and He gives me the knowledge I need to know. He is my Everything. No one can get to my heart unless they've been through Him. Scripture says anything you give to the Lord, He will give you back 10 fold. He loves to please us. Why is it so hard for us to obey and lay our lives down for him?

Here at Your feet, I lay my past down
My wanderings, all my mistakes down
And I am free

Here at Your feet, I lay this day down
Not in my strength, but in Yours I’ve found
All I need, You’re all I need

Jesus, Jesus, at Your feet
Oh, to dwell and never leave
Jesus, Jesus, at Your feet
There is nowhere else for me
There is nowhere else for me

Here at Your feet, I lay my future down
All of my dreams, I give to You now
And I find peace, I find peace
Here at Your feet, I lay my life down
For You my King, You’re all I want now
And my soul sings…

‘Cause I am free (here at Your feet)
All I need (is at Your feet)
I find peace
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet

And I am free (here at Your feet)
All I need (is at Your feet)
I find peace
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet
We’re at Your feet

Here at Your feet
I lay my life dow
-At Your Feet, Casting Crowns.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

My friends I am terribly sorry for having such gaps in-between my posts. But, the wait is worth it. For my birthday this past Tuesday my family came over. One of the things they did for me was that they each found a verse in the Bible that I needed to hear along with their own words of encouragement. By far the BEST gift I have ever gotten. I can’t even begin to explain in words what I was feeling as I was taking in everyone’s gift. Each word different in so many ways. But, all telling me exactly what I need to hear. Do I hear…..AMAZING! My Uncle Curtis and best friend, Kyler, both told me to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Try spelling that without lookingJ I’ve only read the first two chapters so far, but what I’ve read is wow. Just wow. Basically, it’s saying that everything we do is smoke. We go off and do what we want. Not even thinking about it. We forget about yesterday and when tomorrow comes today is, as well, forgotten. What kind of world do we live in? Yes we don’t DWELL in the past. But, that doesn’t mean we forget it. THAT’S CRAZY! We learn and are built from the memories we have and the mistakes we make. “What’s the point of working your fingers to the bone if you hand over what you worked for to someone who never lifted a finger for it? Smoke, that’s what it is. A bad business from start to finish.”–Ecclesiastes 2:21. Is that really how we live? That’s INSANE! We’re supposed to embrace life and enjoy it. Not forget it and turn it into smoke. “Whether we feast or fast, it’s up to God.”–Ecclesiastes 2:25. Nothing is meaningless if it’s living for God. If He is the one you do things through, your light will shine through that life-taking smoke.