Monday, February 4, 2013

Ever been in that stage of life where you are being pulled in a million different directions? If you answered no, please tell me your secret.  If you answered yes, let me say that you are not alone.

Right now, I'm in one of the most transitional times of my life that I have ever been in.  College is definitely not high school. Although amazing, it takes more than a semester to get the hang of things.  I am about to possibly take on a third job, my parents are moving in about 4 months which means so is Kailyn, and don't even get me started on my non-existent Prince Charming waiting for me at my door.  Despite all these transitions and responsibilities that are coming my direction, I have never felt more peace in my life.  That, my friend, is the hand of God holding on to me.  By myself I'd probably be crawled under a rock somewhere eating 3 pounds of chocolate a day.  But He's got something different planned.  Everything circling around me is a part of the destiny God has for me.  Even things down to a simple label some random stranger on the street puts on me.  My response to that label shapes my tomorrow.  Prince Charming? Please.  I have THE Prince of Peace.  HE is my Prince Charming.

When I said you're not alone, I meant it.  And I didn't mean that I was in the same boat.  Although true, I meant that you can have the same peace that I am feeling.  It's not a first come first serve kind of deal. You want it? Seek after it.  Seek after HIM. And you'll get that peace, but it doesn't stop there.  You'll get the release of not having to know everything or what and how to do things.  Step back and trust the Lord and all you have to do is listen for His voice.  Let Him take care of the rest. One of the most quoted verses, other than John 3:16, is Matthew 6:33 which says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."  It may not look exactly how you want it to, but let's be real here.  What ever does look exactly like you want it to? Most of the time, things turn out better than you thought they would.  Even among the hardest circumstances, you'll look back and say it was worth it.  What you gain will be because of what you went through.  All because your surrendered your will to His.

It's like a relationship.  It's an everyday thing you have to work at.  Married couples, am I right? I'm not married, but I know it's not sunshine and daisies all the time.  You have to surrender yourself everyday for that person. Same with a relationship with Him.  Surrender.  Work at it.  It'll be hard at times, but let me tell you it is worth it.  Every day I have to work at my relationship with God.  Everyday I have to willingly surrender my will to His.  Matthew 6:21 says, "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be." When you seek Him and surrender your everything to Him, those desires you begin to feel will be His desires.  He has put them in you for a reason.  And He will awaken them when it's time.

I'll ask the question again, but this time I'll ask it a different way.  Have you ever been pulled in a million different directions, but felt perfect peace? That is God's peace.  The direction(s) you're following are all apart of the ultimate direction He is guiding you to.

1 Chronicles 16: 11 "See the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!"

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