Monday, October 1, 2012

Can I first start off by saying, WOW! What a challenge! I mean I knew college would be hard, don't get me wrong, but it's nothing like I've ever experienced, so I had no expectations of what it would be like.  It's stretching me to new limits I never thought were there and it is bringing out a whole new side of me.  Some of the good things that have happened are the content of the classes and the material that is being presented to us.  Never in a million years would I ever have thought I'd get the privilege to go to school for the one thing I'm passionate about, and that's Jesus Christ.  But here I am.  A classmate made the comment today in my afternoon class of "How is this school?" But the awesome thing is, it IS school! For us at least!:) In every single one of my classes, one of my "text"books is the bible.  I have read my bible more in the past 2 and a half weeks than I have probably ever in my life.  Which is sad to say on some parts, but exciting all at the same time:) It is challenging though.  I've never had so much reading, assignments and focus on an education before and I'm having to learn how to balance and juggle the different things in life.  But with God's grace I'm doing the best I can do.  And I wouldn't change it for the world:) No matter how difficult it is:) I'm praying for all of y'all.  Even with all the craziness going on right now, I pray any struggle you face the Lord makes His face to shine upon you.  I pray that any issues you have are resolved and that He is KNOWN in your life. Be blessed!

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