Saturday, November 3, 2012

As a blogger, you are always thinking of different things you can write about when you go about your day.  Whether it be something funny, serious, or completely irrelevant, when you're a blogger it happens naturally.  The question "How can I make this into a blog.?"  Often crosses your mind.  But if you're anything like me, we can't force it.  Some people blog every day and never repeat the same sentence in all their posts.  I, on the other hand, am a repeat blogger.  It just happens.
I've had a stirring to want to write for the past week or so, but nothing has come to mind.  When that happens I usually jump around to different blogs and read a few posts.  Sometimes it's almost like a secret club, blogging.  You use the "blog lingo" for example: "Oh your layout was BEAUTIFUL." Imagine if a random gymnast walks by and the person with a great layout was a 6 foot 4 inch muscular man.  Try flipping that over in a straight layout position.  Not easy. But that's not to point.   It's like a club.
Today after a bit of blog jumping I got a text from my mom.  She was at my brother's football game and she sent me a picture of the half-time show the  little cheerleaders did.  It was a cute little dance to a mix of songs.  Now, some know this, but eight years ago I WAS one of those little cheerleaders doing a cute little dance to a mix of songs.  The video she sent me was so cute it almost brought tears to my eyes!  Talk about bringing back some memories!  Unfortunately thought, I was not one of the cheerleaders that knew what she was doing.  Granted we were all little kids, so nothing was perfect, but I was the tallest one, so I stuck out and a few of my movements were a little crazy.
This may be one of those "completely irrelevant" posts, but it goes back to the fact that you can't always just write everyday.  Something has to trigger you.  The video definitely triggered me.
Although it wasn't my greatest time as a cheerleader, I did have fun and I experienced something new.  Did I think I was going to be the next Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader?  Oh goodness no.  But I learned something about myself.  I learned something that I didn't want to keep doing and now I know.  But the memories are still there and that I am grateful for.  So I guess my question to you is this:  What memories do you have that you can look back on and smile about?  If you're having a not so great day, I encourage you to think back on those memories.  Make yourself smile and turn your day around.  Or encourage someone else to do the same.  I've often found that encouraging someone else ends up making me smile.  I challenge you with that today.  Make someone, or yourself, truly smile.
And have a wonderfully blessed day!

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