Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, it's been a while since I've posted something. This past week I had a very difficult time. Saturday was hard, because nothing but memories would flood my head. Sunday, it continued. Monday was better, but I was dreading what was next. Tuesday, Daddy's birthday. I had a very fun event filled day. But the idea of that day buried itself inside me. Not coming out. Wednesday, 6 months. 6 months I have lived without the one person I always looked up to. A person who made me who I am now. I realized that life never really gives you a break. I thought that since I was already going to have a hard time, everything else would just disappear and leave me alone for a while. But it doesn't. The same little problems didn't end. The ones out of my control. Some people don't understand that you can't live life focusing on what you don't have and trying to reach for it. You have to concentrate on what you do have. Look beyond what's in front of you. Everyone has at least someone in their life that they trust whole-heartedly. Don't lose that person. Don't do something stupid and push them away. If they care about you the same way, they're not going anywhere. Life is too short to not enjoy it. Especially with the ones you love. Don't let something as simple as jealousy ignite the resentment within you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Knowing someone and truly understanding them is different than what people think it is. You may know them, but do you honestly know them deep down? My best friend, who is like a brother to me, told me something last night that has really stuck. He said, "Seeing someone's weakness allows them to open up their heart to you." How true is that?! I think about it now and the people that truly understand me and know me, i've opened my heart up to them and they've seen me at my weakest state of being. Last night was a very emotionally moving night at church, of course depending how you grasp what the pastor is saying, every night could be. I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately. From people being in and out of my house to trying to keep up with grades, having a social life, deal with life in general right now, it's a butt-load of work for a 15 year old. But, I'm managing. I have my mom there to keep me in check. What a blessing she is. And my friends and other family members. Despite everything going on, I am extremely blessed with the life I have. I couldn't live without the people in it. So, here's to everyone I'm talking about. And you know who you are(;

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today is a new day. I'm not going to worry about tomorrow and I will not dwell in the past. I am a pretty mellow person. I do, like everyone else, have my moments. But no one is perfect. And some of us don't realize we're making the same mistakes as others are. Yet, we're the ones who look down on them and criticism them. Hypocritical. I try my best to not blame others for something out of their control. Sometimes it seems like the easy thing do to. Right? But, just because it's easy doesn't make it right. Covering things up is so much easier than telling the truth or being straight with someone. But, that's the wrong thing to do. Life's a roller coaster ride. Sometimes it seems like you're just riding on the lowest point and never see what's above. I can tell you that's not true. Happiness and joy is all around you. You just have to look a bit harder. Needs a bit more effort but it is so worth it. The only person keeping you from all the happiness that you say you can't find, is yourself. You're not looking! You must search to find happiness. Take chances, make mistakes and learn from it all along the way. We grow by learning. We live by growing. No one tears others down. It's how you respond that either builds you up or brings you down. No one is stopping you from living your dreams or spreading your wings to fly.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well, here I am. Never thought I'd find myself blogging but life throws us all curve balls right? Guess I should start from the beginning. I'm Kailyn Taylor. 15 years old and have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I absolutely love my xbox 360. I am always on either my phone or computer. I love to write but am currently stuck. And have been for a little while. I go to one person for EVERYTHING and His name is Jesus. I am the biggest daddy's girl you will ever meet. My dad and I are best friends. Always and forever. We do everything together. If I had a bad day, he'd take me out and we'd go eat then come home and watch mindless TV, a scary movie or play video games. We are the masters of pillow fights. Over the summer of 2009 life threw me a big one. On July 27, 2009, Dad passed away. Since then I've not been the same. My emotions trigger differently, I get mad more often, I cry harder and more frequently, it's no fun. But God has always taken my sorrow and turned it into joy. I'm closer to my family than I was before. I lean more on Him rather than what everyone else thinks. And I have definitely grown spiritually and mentally. Some days are harder than others, but everyday seems like I'm running thousands of miles just to get through the day. Stress builds up more. Let's face it, being a teenager sucks big time. It has its bright moments, but it is really hard. Circumstances have made it even harder. I can't stand walking through my house, because every little thing remind me of Daddy. But, one thing I always remember, is that God has a plan. Right now, it makes no sense and is a load of darkness. But I'm trusting in Him and having faith that everything will work out. So that's the basis of why I'm here, starting this blog. Keep reading, hopefully I won't bore you to tears(;