Friday, January 29, 2010

Well, it's been a while since I've posted something. This past week I had a very difficult time. Saturday was hard, because nothing but memories would flood my head. Sunday, it continued. Monday was better, but I was dreading what was next. Tuesday, Daddy's birthday. I had a very fun event filled day. But the idea of that day buried itself inside me. Not coming out. Wednesday, 6 months. 6 months I have lived without the one person I always looked up to. A person who made me who I am now. I realized that life never really gives you a break. I thought that since I was already going to have a hard time, everything else would just disappear and leave me alone for a while. But it doesn't. The same little problems didn't end. The ones out of my control. Some people don't understand that you can't live life focusing on what you don't have and trying to reach for it. You have to concentrate on what you do have. Look beyond what's in front of you. Everyone has at least someone in their life that they trust whole-heartedly. Don't lose that person. Don't do something stupid and push them away. If they care about you the same way, they're not going anywhere. Life is too short to not enjoy it. Especially with the ones you love. Don't let something as simple as jealousy ignite the resentment within you.

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