Thursday, January 14, 2010

Knowing someone and truly understanding them is different than what people think it is. You may know them, but do you honestly know them deep down? My best friend, who is like a brother to me, told me something last night that has really stuck. He said, "Seeing someone's weakness allows them to open up their heart to you." How true is that?! I think about it now and the people that truly understand me and know me, i've opened my heart up to them and they've seen me at my weakest state of being. Last night was a very emotionally moving night at church, of course depending how you grasp what the pastor is saying, every night could be. I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately. From people being in and out of my house to trying to keep up with grades, having a social life, deal with life in general right now, it's a butt-load of work for a 15 year old. But, I'm managing. I have my mom there to keep me in check. What a blessing she is. And my friends and other family members. Despite everything going on, I am extremely blessed with the life I have. I couldn't live without the people in it. So, here's to everyone I'm talking about. And you know who you are(;

1 comment:

  1. And you my sweet girl, are a blessing to me as well. You are doing an exceptional job managing all that you are having to deal with at your far too young age. But I can only know that all of this is preparing you for such an amazing God-ordained destiny that it requires such adversity now. That doesn't make it any more fun to walk through :), but I am excited to watch your future unfold. Love you MUCH!!
