Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well, here I am. Never thought I'd find myself blogging but life throws us all curve balls right? Guess I should start from the beginning. I'm Kailyn Taylor. 15 years old and have no idea what tomorrow will bring. I absolutely love my xbox 360. I am always on either my phone or computer. I love to write but am currently stuck. And have been for a little while. I go to one person for EVERYTHING and His name is Jesus. I am the biggest daddy's girl you will ever meet. My dad and I are best friends. Always and forever. We do everything together. If I had a bad day, he'd take me out and we'd go eat then come home and watch mindless TV, a scary movie or play video games. We are the masters of pillow fights. Over the summer of 2009 life threw me a big one. On July 27, 2009, Dad passed away. Since then I've not been the same. My emotions trigger differently, I get mad more often, I cry harder and more frequently, it's no fun. But God has always taken my sorrow and turned it into joy. I'm closer to my family than I was before. I lean more on Him rather than what everyone else thinks. And I have definitely grown spiritually and mentally. Some days are harder than others, but everyday seems like I'm running thousands of miles just to get through the day. Stress builds up more. Let's face it, being a teenager sucks big time. It has its bright moments, but it is really hard. Circumstances have made it even harder. I can't stand walking through my house, because every little thing remind me of Daddy. But, one thing I always remember, is that God has a plan. Right now, it makes no sense and is a load of darkness. But I'm trusting in Him and having faith that everything will work out. So that's the basis of why I'm here, starting this blog. Keep reading, hopefully I won't bore you to tears(;

1 comment:

  1. Putting aside the fact that you are my own, I have to say that I am proud of you. Always. And Dad is too. Keep it up...expressing yourself and all you are. Love you!
