Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God's Talents for You

Recently, I've discovered something about myself.  I love to paint.  I've always had that desire in my heart.  Going to museums or art galleries and seeing all of the beautiful colors perfectly placed in a picture.  I always thought, "How cool would it be to create something like that from MY own two hands."  Then one day, I just did it.  I'm not as bad as I thought! My mom started painting after feeling that same desire, so she decided to take some art classes and go for it.  After stopping the art classes and just following what God wanted her to do, she has done so much.  Her art is beautiful and she paints such miraculous pictures that God has showed her.  I wanted that same thing.  She inspired me to just go for it.  I haven't taken a single art class in my life, not including the REQUIRED ones from grade school.  An artist isn't someone who takes art classes their entire life and makes artistic things.  An artist is someone who expresses what is in their heart.  Whether it be painting, drawing, or even singing.
I had always wanted to do something great.  To find my niche.  I thought it was singing, and as much as i took lessons, joined choirs and did recitals, it just didn't happen for me.  That's not to say I am a bad singer, it's just not the things God wants me to do right now.  And I am totally okay with that.  Because I found painting.  When I paint I can get lost in what I'm doing and the music that's playing.  I completely shut out the outside world and I just let God guide my fingers and strokes.  Even if my end result is a completely black canvas, I expressed what was in my heart and I feel the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.

If you're feeling like you just haven't found what's made you YOU yet, don't give up.  I'm 18 years old and I just now found painting.  In 5 years I could find another talent God blessed me with.  Whether you're 5 or 50, God has blessed you with an AMAZING talent that only you can accomplish.  He has given you that talent because everything that you have experienced in life up to this very moment will be shown through your talent and everyone will know you because of it.  God gives everyone a talent special for them to accomplish in their life because His plan is written that way.  No one else can complete that specific thing, at that specific time, with YOUR specific life experience.  Otherwise it wouldn't be YOUR special talent.  It would be theirs.  Don't give up.  I pray you find your niche.  As hard as it is, have patience.  He will open your eyes when it is right for His timing.  I pray strength and patience over you today.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Perspective. It's way way we look at things. How we see what's around us. How we perceive them. Like the clouds. Say you have a group of 5 people all looking at the same cloud in the sky. They play everyone's favorite game. Making pictures out of the clouds. Each person's different perspective reflects how he or she sees that particular cloud. Just a few minutes ago I was looking at a cloud and saw two different things. When I first looked at it, I saw a puppy with his little tongue sticking out. He was looking up. The more I focused in on it, the more I saw a different picture. A lady, of royalty, was laying down. Her hair was gently laid out all around her and she was wearing her crown. When I came back to reality, I realized that right before I saw the lady in the clouds, the line "You lay me down" from a song I was listening to by Hillsong had just played. After looking away for about two minutes, I looked back and the cloud was in a different place with different shape and pictures.

Perspective is all around us. The question I thought of today is does what we're feeling and think affect how we view different things. Absolutely. If you are really hungry and craving a pizza, random things that take the shape of a pizza may look so similar to it, you'll want to eat it. Our perspective on life is the same way. If we're happy and have not in our hearts, we'll tackle the day with a smile on our faces. But if we have harder hearts, the day will seem as gloomy as ever.

This concept has been heavy on my heart since yesterday. I was sitting outside on my back porch and all of the sudden a humming bird flies by the else bush in my backyard. Other than yesterday, I have never seen a humming bird in person. I was, and still am, so in awe of the small creature see in all the spring scenes in a movie. It was smaller than normal birds and its little wings were flapping away. It was almost child like.

As children of God our perspective is so small compared to what He sees. We see these little details, and although He sees them too, He also sees the big picture. He sees everything. He can give us the right eyes to look through. The right perspective to view life. Or even just today. I don't know about y'all, but I'm gonna trust His perspective over mine considering the fact He sees my tomorrow.

If you can't find a good perspective to view your life through, don't worry. I have my days where all I see is a black cloud hovering over me. But I want you to know, that behind that cloud is light. The sun is shining so bright sunglasses can't even protect your eyes. God shines brighter than that. He can take away your black cloud and replace it with a rainbow.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer Surrender

Summers are very bittersweet times. On one hand we've got the freedom that comes from no school, a time of vacation, and the sense that next year we're a whole grade older. But on the other hand, we start to feel the loneliness when people are gone on vacation or working summer hours. We're done with the previous year, but can't quite start the new one yet. We're stuck. The question is, will you continue to stay stuck? Or will you do something extraordinary to grow you, strengthen you, and make you a different person than you were at the beginning of the summer?

On average, summer breaks are about 3 months. So much can happen in those 3 months. Think about coming back from summer break and seeing that one person who looks completely different. Can change only be on the outside? Or can we do something that can change who we are on the inside a well?

The answer is up to you. Influences from all around can affect you in all sorts of different ways. Some for the good and some for the bad.

Ecclesiastes 3 talks about a certain time for everything. I believe that one of the main purposes for summer break, whether it was intended this way or not, is that certain time for growth. It is a time to look back and reflect on the previous year. Laugh at the good times and learn from the bad. It also is a time to prepare for the season ahead. Each year is a new, fresh start to become the person you were meant to be.

"So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can." (Ecclesiastes 3:12 NLT). No, this doesn't mean to go off, get drunk and do something stupid. We're not talking about pulling a YOLO. It just says to be happy. Sometime it's the most simple thing we can do, yet we make it so difficult. Even on your hardest day, there is a blessing to find joy in. I heard a quote once that says something along the lines of "But it's also true that not all of your bad days are bad all the time." (not the exact quote). It's true. Even on your hardest day, there is something to be joyful about. The strength that you gain in the times of growth comes from how you react to those bad days and what you do with those joyful times.

I'm about to start college, so I am definitely feeling this. I'm ready to get a start on my life and the next season God has for me, but I'm not there yet. But I'm also not in high school anymore. I'm stuck in the middle. Although its hard sometimes, I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with those around me because most of the people I hangout with will be gone within the next few weeks. While doing all of that, I'm trying to prepare for college as well.

If you're struggling with this same thing, I want you to know that you're not alone. Don't feel discouraged because you can't quite seem to connect with the world around you. Ecclesiastes 3, along with whatever else God has in mind for me to read, has definitely helped. And I know for a fact there are people around you who want to help and be there for you.

Don't face today alone. Tomorrow is a new day for a new start.
"And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him." (Ecclesiastes 3:14 NLT)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

God's Princess

Ladies, this post is for you!  How many of you can say you have probably thought about your future husband at least once a day? (I am raising my hand up way high).  We all do it at one point or another.  We're women and we want that special part in our hearts to be filled.  One thing I have learned over the years, especially in high school, it isn't an easy ride finding Mr. Right, but God did promise it would be worth it.  This morning in my quiet time, I was reading Romans and came across a scripture that says "But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently." Chapter 8 verse 25.  I honestly had never seen that scripture before today.  I new something like that was probably in the Bible, but I never actually found it.  Until today.  And girlfriend, let me tell you, it hit me hard.  Who likes to be patient?!  No many people.  But as we all learn, patience definitely comes with a blessing.  I like the last word in that verse, "confidently."  Confidence is something I know everyone struggles with at some point in their life.  I know I have.  When we wait for something so special, just getting by in life and hoping for the best doesn't always work.  Living life and embracing it and have CONFIDENCE in who you are brings joy to not only yourself, but to the people around you.  There is a cliche saying that says "Love comes when you least expect it."  As I've noticed throughout time and from the love stories around me (real life and ones from books/movies), love really does come when you least expect it.  When you think about it, that adds to the beauty of it.

As a woman, it still is hard to enjoy life when your heart still longs for that special connection with your prince charming.  Again, my hand is raised high!  Romans 8:38 says that NOTHING can separate us from the love God has for us.  And truth be told, His love is far greater than any love our earthly prince will ever be able to give us.  Gods love is eternal and out numbers the sand grains on every ocean.  When you're feeling down and lost, remember that.  Not only is God your friend and king, but He is also your TRUE prince charming.  He wants to have a relationship with you better than any earthly relationship can ever withstand.  God knows the desires of your heart and fulfills EVERY need that you may feel.  He is our ultimate lover.  My heart goes out to those who don't feel the love that surrounds them.  I want you to know that it's there.  He's there.  And He wants you to come to Him so He can comfort you and love on you.

As for our patience issue, Romans 8:28 (can you tell I really like Romans:)?) says "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Take that deep in your heart and let it rest there.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hello my lovelies! First off, I want to start by saying, how awesome is the power of God? He seriously is rocking my world today, and it's only Wednesday.  He is so faithful and merciful! As much as I love to share what is going on in my life with this blog, I pray that it is encouragement for those of you who need it.  Life is rough. I'll be the first to admit that.  But we definitely do NOT have to go through it alone.  So my prayer is that this is encouragement for anyone out there who needs a little help today.  You are beautiful.  You are handsome.  You are smart.  You were created for something bigger than you can imagine.  Never, EVER forget how precious you are. You are a jewel and a treasure in God's eyes and I'm sure someone else's as well.

Recently, I've been going through a time where I was not quite walking on God's path for me.  I wasn't way off course, but I hasn't on the gravel road.  I was more on the edge.  My parents had talked to me about it one night and as much as it hurt to hear some of the things they were telling me, they were right.  And honestly, I felt so blessed I have the amazing parents I do that they CAN tell me that and have to confidence in God and in themselves as parental guardians to be honest with me.  Since I took to heart what they told me, I really decided to start working on this whole spend time with God EVERYDAY deal. And guess what?! AMAZING things started happening.  Spending time with Him not only brought blessings in so many ways, but everyday I wake up and am more and more thirsty for Him.  Today, I realized I just want to go somewhere different with only my Bible, pen, journal and NO PHONE and worship until I have no energy left.  I've felt like this the past few days and I don't want it to change!  I feel like I have fallen in love with Him all over again! I know this is only the beginning of an incredible journey I have coming up.  I have met a new friend that is going to The King's University at Gateway with me, I have amazing opportunities that God has put before me, He is rocking my socks off!

God has something special He wants to show you.  I know He does.  The talents you have been blessed with and the character God formed in you is specific to YOU.  He has a plan that only you can fulfill because He has called someone with YOUR talents and YOUR character to be where He has called you.  Run after it.  Run after it with open arms and an open heart of His grace.  Even if you are at the lowest of the low in your life, that is the BEST time to run to Him.  He wants to mend your broken heart.  He is ALWAYS there fore you and is ALWAYS listening.  You have a beautiful spirit and He will use that for His kingdom. You are not alone, precious child. Look for that light at the end of the tunnel.