Thursday, July 19, 2012

God's Princess

Ladies, this post is for you!  How many of you can say you have probably thought about your future husband at least once a day? (I am raising my hand up way high).  We all do it at one point or another.  We're women and we want that special part in our hearts to be filled.  One thing I have learned over the years, especially in high school, it isn't an easy ride finding Mr. Right, but God did promise it would be worth it.  This morning in my quiet time, I was reading Romans and came across a scripture that says "But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently." Chapter 8 verse 25.  I honestly had never seen that scripture before today.  I new something like that was probably in the Bible, but I never actually found it.  Until today.  And girlfriend, let me tell you, it hit me hard.  Who likes to be patient?!  No many people.  But as we all learn, patience definitely comes with a blessing.  I like the last word in that verse, "confidently."  Confidence is something I know everyone struggles with at some point in their life.  I know I have.  When we wait for something so special, just getting by in life and hoping for the best doesn't always work.  Living life and embracing it and have CONFIDENCE in who you are brings joy to not only yourself, but to the people around you.  There is a cliche saying that says "Love comes when you least expect it."  As I've noticed throughout time and from the love stories around me (real life and ones from books/movies), love really does come when you least expect it.  When you think about it, that adds to the beauty of it.

As a woman, it still is hard to enjoy life when your heart still longs for that special connection with your prince charming.  Again, my hand is raised high!  Romans 8:38 says that NOTHING can separate us from the love God has for us.  And truth be told, His love is far greater than any love our earthly prince will ever be able to give us.  Gods love is eternal and out numbers the sand grains on every ocean.  When you're feeling down and lost, remember that.  Not only is God your friend and king, but He is also your TRUE prince charming.  He wants to have a relationship with you better than any earthly relationship can ever withstand.  God knows the desires of your heart and fulfills EVERY need that you may feel.  He is our ultimate lover.  My heart goes out to those who don't feel the love that surrounds them.  I want you to know that it's there.  He's there.  And He wants you to come to Him so He can comfort you and love on you.

As for our patience issue, Romans 8:28 (can you tell I really like Romans:)?) says "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Take that deep in your heart and let it rest there.

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