Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hello my lovelies! First off, I want to start by saying, how awesome is the power of God? He seriously is rocking my world today, and it's only Wednesday.  He is so faithful and merciful! As much as I love to share what is going on in my life with this blog, I pray that it is encouragement for those of you who need it.  Life is rough. I'll be the first to admit that.  But we definitely do NOT have to go through it alone.  So my prayer is that this is encouragement for anyone out there who needs a little help today.  You are beautiful.  You are handsome.  You are smart.  You were created for something bigger than you can imagine.  Never, EVER forget how precious you are. You are a jewel and a treasure in God's eyes and I'm sure someone else's as well.

Recently, I've been going through a time where I was not quite walking on God's path for me.  I wasn't way off course, but I hasn't on the gravel road.  I was more on the edge.  My parents had talked to me about it one night and as much as it hurt to hear some of the things they were telling me, they were right.  And honestly, I felt so blessed I have the amazing parents I do that they CAN tell me that and have to confidence in God and in themselves as parental guardians to be honest with me.  Since I took to heart what they told me, I really decided to start working on this whole spend time with God EVERYDAY deal. And guess what?! AMAZING things started happening.  Spending time with Him not only brought blessings in so many ways, but everyday I wake up and am more and more thirsty for Him.  Today, I realized I just want to go somewhere different with only my Bible, pen, journal and NO PHONE and worship until I have no energy left.  I've felt like this the past few days and I don't want it to change!  I feel like I have fallen in love with Him all over again! I know this is only the beginning of an incredible journey I have coming up.  I have met a new friend that is going to The King's University at Gateway with me, I have amazing opportunities that God has put before me, He is rocking my socks off!

God has something special He wants to show you.  I know He does.  The talents you have been blessed with and the character God formed in you is specific to YOU.  He has a plan that only you can fulfill because He has called someone with YOUR talents and YOUR character to be where He has called you.  Run after it.  Run after it with open arms and an open heart of His grace.  Even if you are at the lowest of the low in your life, that is the BEST time to run to Him.  He wants to mend your broken heart.  He is ALWAYS there fore you and is ALWAYS listening.  You have a beautiful spirit and He will use that for His kingdom. You are not alone, precious child. Look for that light at the end of the tunnel.

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