Tuesday, July 31, 2012

God's Talents for You

Recently, I've discovered something about myself.  I love to paint.  I've always had that desire in my heart.  Going to museums or art galleries and seeing all of the beautiful colors perfectly placed in a picture.  I always thought, "How cool would it be to create something like that from MY own two hands."  Then one day, I just did it.  I'm not as bad as I thought! My mom started painting after feeling that same desire, so she decided to take some art classes and go for it.  After stopping the art classes and just following what God wanted her to do, she has done so much.  Her art is beautiful and she paints such miraculous pictures that God has showed her.  I wanted that same thing.  She inspired me to just go for it.  I haven't taken a single art class in my life, not including the REQUIRED ones from grade school.  An artist isn't someone who takes art classes their entire life and makes artistic things.  An artist is someone who expresses what is in their heart.  Whether it be painting, drawing, or even singing.
I had always wanted to do something great.  To find my niche.  I thought it was singing, and as much as i took lessons, joined choirs and did recitals, it just didn't happen for me.  That's not to say I am a bad singer, it's just not the things God wants me to do right now.  And I am totally okay with that.  Because I found painting.  When I paint I can get lost in what I'm doing and the music that's playing.  I completely shut out the outside world and I just let God guide my fingers and strokes.  Even if my end result is a completely black canvas, I expressed what was in my heart and I feel the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.

If you're feeling like you just haven't found what's made you YOU yet, don't give up.  I'm 18 years old and I just now found painting.  In 5 years I could find another talent God blessed me with.  Whether you're 5 or 50, God has blessed you with an AMAZING talent that only you can accomplish.  He has given you that talent because everything that you have experienced in life up to this very moment will be shown through your talent and everyone will know you because of it.  God gives everyone a talent special for them to accomplish in their life because His plan is written that way.  No one else can complete that specific thing, at that specific time, with YOUR specific life experience.  Otherwise it wouldn't be YOUR special talent.  It would be theirs.  Don't give up.  I pray you find your niche.  As hard as it is, have patience.  He will open your eyes when it is right for His timing.  I pray strength and patience over you today.

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