Monday, July 23, 2012


Perspective. It's way way we look at things. How we see what's around us. How we perceive them. Like the clouds. Say you have a group of 5 people all looking at the same cloud in the sky. They play everyone's favorite game. Making pictures out of the clouds. Each person's different perspective reflects how he or she sees that particular cloud. Just a few minutes ago I was looking at a cloud and saw two different things. When I first looked at it, I saw a puppy with his little tongue sticking out. He was looking up. The more I focused in on it, the more I saw a different picture. A lady, of royalty, was laying down. Her hair was gently laid out all around her and she was wearing her crown. When I came back to reality, I realized that right before I saw the lady in the clouds, the line "You lay me down" from a song I was listening to by Hillsong had just played. After looking away for about two minutes, I looked back and the cloud was in a different place with different shape and pictures.

Perspective is all around us. The question I thought of today is does what we're feeling and think affect how we view different things. Absolutely. If you are really hungry and craving a pizza, random things that take the shape of a pizza may look so similar to it, you'll want to eat it. Our perspective on life is the same way. If we're happy and have not in our hearts, we'll tackle the day with a smile on our faces. But if we have harder hearts, the day will seem as gloomy as ever.

This concept has been heavy on my heart since yesterday. I was sitting outside on my back porch and all of the sudden a humming bird flies by the else bush in my backyard. Other than yesterday, I have never seen a humming bird in person. I was, and still am, so in awe of the small creature see in all the spring scenes in a movie. It was smaller than normal birds and its little wings were flapping away. It was almost child like.

As children of God our perspective is so small compared to what He sees. We see these little details, and although He sees them too, He also sees the big picture. He sees everything. He can give us the right eyes to look through. The right perspective to view life. Or even just today. I don't know about y'all, but I'm gonna trust His perspective over mine considering the fact He sees my tomorrow.

If you can't find a good perspective to view your life through, don't worry. I have my days where all I see is a black cloud hovering over me. But I want you to know, that behind that cloud is light. The sun is shining so bright sunglasses can't even protect your eyes. God shines brighter than that. He can take away your black cloud and replace it with a rainbow.

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