Sunday, August 19, 2012


Life is hard.  And full of curveballs.  Unfortunately, we never know when those curveballs are headed our way.  But without those curveballs, we'd never appreciate the good times.  Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't be sad or cry or have bad days.  That is probably one of the biggest lies ever.  After going through a tragedy, random little things trigger that emotional hurricane that comes over you.  As time goes by, it becomes less often, but it never goes away.  And I think God does that for a reason.  If you're hurting, hurt.  Don't fake a smile and cover it up.  Be the real you.  Let it out.  That was probably the best advice anyone ever gave me three years ago.  So now I'm saying it to you.  Don't hide what's inside to be strong.  Real strength comes from growing through the pain and letting others in to help you with that.  Be YOU.  And just let it out every once in a while. 

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