Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hello loves.  Today I hope everyone's day is going great.  Today, mine hasn't been the best.  It hasn't been dreadful, which that I am thankful for, but it still wasn't the best.  Today was just one of those days where I didn't feel 100 percent and I felt like I just wasn't getting anything right at work.  I was able to keep a smile on my face and do the best I can, which is better than giving up and feeling even worse, but it was as dandy as a beautiful sunny day.  BUT! God is still in control.  He didn't promise everything would be perfect all the time, but He did promise it would be worth it.  I'm sure y'all have had days like today, if not, please lets have coffee and you can tell me your secret.  I want y'all to know that even through the not so great days, there are still blessings.  Like I said before, it wasn't a dreadful day.  The sun has shined today and no one has walked away in tears.  Those are a few of the blessings that I got today.  And I know there are more, I just need to give the day to the Holy Spirit and He will guide me the right way.  I encourage you to thank God everyday before you even step out of bed for you waking you up that day and invite His presence in.  I don't do it every day like I need and want to, but the days I have done that have really made a difference.  I've been praying about this for a while and decided on putting my email up on here.  I don't want someone to read this and think all hope is lost and they have no one and not be able to talk to someone when they feel no one else is there for them.  I am praying for you.  And I am here.  But most importantly, God is here.  You are not alone.  My heart is just so set on that and I don't want anyone feeling alone.  Tomorrow is a new day and today is full of blessings.

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