Thursday, August 30, 2012

Remember back in July when I had talked about being God's princess?  And how at some point we all struggle with the "OMG WHERE IS HE ALREADY?!" question?  Well, today is one of those days for me.  It hits at random times and not in a bad way.  It almost make me laugh!  Actually, it DOES make me laugh!  Sometimes I wonder, why in the world am I so worried about this?  First of all, God is SO in charge and He will not NEVER back down on a promise that He has given me, or anybody else.  And Second, I'm still young.  Very young.  I haven't even hit 20 yet why is this even such a big deal?  I should be more focused on college, right?  Yes, but it's still there, lol.  Last night I remembered at my kindergarden graduation as we 'walked across the stage' we had to say what we wanted to be when we grew up, and what did I say? "When I grow up, I want to be a mommy." I still remember the pregnant lady in the front row about lose it.  Things haven't changed.  I have such a big desire to be a wife and mom that you'd almost think my dream job is to be a stay at home mom! In a way it is, but it goes beyond that.  If there was a school called "Future wife and moms in the making university" I'd be there in a heart beat.  But as I said a while back ago, God is in control.  He's got me (just like He's got YOU) in the palm of His hands.  Romans 2:28 says He will work everything out for our good.  That's not only a promise, but it's truth and a declaration that we have the most incredible God who can do ALL things who also is so deeply in love with us, we can't even bare it.  But that's also why we have Him:)

Future husband,
I pray for you and think about you everyday.  Whether you're reading this or not, I am.  I pray God gives you provision and guidance.  That He's directing your steps and that you're making the right decisions.  Wherever you are, I pray for your safety and for those around you.  Don't ever let anyone tell you you're less than amazing because God has called you for miraculous things. (that goes for EVERYONE out there not just my future husband. God has called YOU so get up and go!)

Ladies, the wait is worth it.
Men, the wait is worth it.

God's strength and grace is upon us all for the things we cannot do.  And He is with us every second of the day.  Especially the ones we don't think we can make it through.

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