Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Well friends, I am so close. So, very close.  But I'm not there yet.  I am registered for classes and start in 20 days.  I have no idea why I've always been on of those huge dreamers about my future, but God sure does.  And in a matter of 3 weeks, one of those dreams will finally come true.  It feels so surreal.  This is where it begins.  The chapter in life where I start to leave the nest, I gain all this responsibility (that I'm strangely excited for:)), and start my life.  My journey.  Everything that has lead up to this very moment has made me who I am.  I do not regret one bit of it.  Some days I can't wrap my mind around it.  It still almost feels like a dream.   Everyone has already stated school.  All of my college friends, m younger friends, my siblings, public school, high school, everyone has started this new year.  Except my TKUG friends and me.  The next 3 weeks will fly by and drag on all at the same time.  I pray that things go smoothly.  I have this vision, this dream, in my head of how I want, hope, things will go and I know they'll go exactly how God wants them.  Which isn't always how I want them to go, but it'll be right.  Because He's in control.  I am taking the classes I wanted to take the moment I saw them on the course schedule.  My weekly schedule isn't crammed, my work schedule works perfectly with it, everything is falling into place.  God....man, He's just incredible.  I am blessed beyond understanding.  I have no words other than thank you.  To everyone, but most importantly to Him.  Other dreams I pray to come true soon are still there.  Ha, very much so.  But college is proof that God makes our dreams come true.  At least the right dreams:).  It's just crazy to think my life and journey of adulthood and everything after that is start in 3 weeks.  I am nervous and excited all at the same time.

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