Monday, September 3, 2012

God's Little Blessings

Today little things have gotten me down. I don't know why, but I have just had this uncomfortable feel in the pit of my stomach. I went to Walgreens on my way to work to get a small gift for a coworker and while I was in line, God gave me a blessing. This little girl, I'd say about 11 or so, bluntly asked "Do you get to live by yourself?" I told her not yet I still have to save up money. She asks "Did you go to college?" "I'm in college." "Lucky.." I told her to enjoy being young. She said "Are you a hair cutter? Your hair is pretty." "Haha nope." "Doctor?" "Haha no sweetie I work at a jewelry story and a church." With a big smile she says "Ahhh. Lucky..." again I told her to enjoy her youth and being a child. What she didn't know what that she was a huge blessing to me. With all the little issues pulling me down today, I saw the innocence of childhood and what a huge impact we adult have on their lives. She was sweet as can be and if I could, I'd talk to her every week about how being a kid is once of the greatest things ever. We don't realize what'd around us sometimes. I believe God puts little blessings in our paths everyday. Some are just so small He wants us to seek out the greatness of each day rather than spend it sad. Take some time today and step back. Look at everything He has blessed you with. You never know when you could be someone else's blessing by simply seeing what's in front of you.

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