Sunday, September 16, 2012

For those of you who have not talked to me today, or can't tell by my last sentence, I am SUPER excited about tomorrow:) Seriously, The Kings at Gateway is my DREAM college.  It's everything I've always wanted to go to school for, it'd accredited, AND it's at my home church.  What could be better?! God is so incredibly faithful.  I have so many things that have been swimming around my heart and mind about tomorrow and this next year.  From school to decisions that I make now that will affect 3 years from now.  Everything in between has passed through my brain at one point or another.  Probably more than once.  Tonight at habitation I felt like I needed to pray for tomorrow and the next year.  Really give everything to God and lift up every dream and desire to Him.  When I felt like He was tugging on my heart to move, I did and I found the PERFECT person to pray with.  The lady He lead me to seemed almost as excited as me and she was just all around precious.  I felt like she was going to school with me tomorrow she was so excited!  I told her everything that was on my heart and everything I wanted and needed to pray for.  Not only did she pray for me, but she encouraged me and spoke Psalm 23 over me.  When I got back to my seat I had realized that Psalm 23 has been hanging our me for a while.  So, of course, I wrote down what happened so I could keep the memory of the day before my first day of college forever.  God has been so great to me.  For the past couple of months I have felt like I have been on cloud 9.  And I don't ever want to leave!  But, as life goes, I know there are storms ahead.  This past weekend Pastor Debbie spoke about The "I" of the storm.  This time of me feeling like I'm on cloud 9 has prepared me and has prepared my heart to really tune in to Him.  Especially when those storms come.  Because that's when He really speaks to use and gets our attention.  We think we can't be pulled from the dirt, but that's when God sometimes does the most cleaning.  My dears, this season some of you are in are just like what I have been feeling.  Embrace this time.  Enjoy it.  But don't forget to tune into Him.  Others of you are in the complete opposite situation. Can I tell you something?  The chaos is almost over.  It can't and won't be around forever.  There is a time of rest and peace and comfort coming SOON.  Hanging tight to His hand and guidance.  And He will lead you to that time.  I pray Psalm 23 over every single one of you.  Be blessed.

I feel like I need to mention this too.  Don't ever hesitate to email me.  For anything.  I may not always know what to say, but He certainly does.  And His words will do more work than all of mine could in a life time.  Don't give up precious child of God.

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