Saturday, September 1, 2012

God's Morning Glory

5:53 AM:  Good morning Darlin's.  Last night I was laying in bed and thinking of a perfect date with some amazing guy that God brings into my life, as I do probably more than you'd think.  (Hopeless romantic:))  What I didn't know was that was only the beginning of the next 12 hours.  As some of you probably know, I am NOT a morning person.  Farthest thing from it.  But when the Lord wakes me up and asks me if He can go on a date with me this morning, any and everything gets thrown out of the water for that honor.  This pleasant morning He woke me up at 4:30. Ish.  After fighting Him for about 30-45 minutes, I finally said, "Okay, Lord.  I'm up.  But I'm going to be honest with you, I am tired.  And my bed is comfy, and my room is cold.  Making me even more tired.  But I want to be awake with You.  Please give me the strength so I can be." And what does His ever so loving voice say? "Wanna watch the surmise together?"  I was up quicker then a squirrel on caffeine.  I am currently sitting on my driveway with my computer, bible, pen, and journal on a blanket.  The stars are as beautiful as ever.  I have never experience the morning like this, and I'm sure it won't be the last.  Oh, I'm also listening to worship music:) (what could get any better than this right?!)  Me being the curious and antsy person I am, I was curious as to what time the sun actually rises this morning.  6:58 AM.  At first I was like "Really?!"  But then I heard this gentle voice say, "I just wanted to have you to myself for a bit before we got to the fireworks."  How can you resist that?! Sitting here for a little over an hour in the dark is SO worth it.  Even without all the accessories I brought out with me.  If it was just Him and I, I'd be just as happy.  It's incredible to watch how the sky changes throughout time.  Especially in the morning.  It's not something everyone can say on a daily basis.  If you haven't done it, I highly suggest it.  Expected Sunrise: 6:58 AM according to Google.

6:20 AM:  The sky is slowly but surely getting bluer.  It's coming.  I've moved spots like 3 different times trying to get the best seat.  I have even considered going on the roof.  But for my mother's sake, I'm staying on the ground.  For now.  The roof may happen at another time though.  Momma that was for you so you'd know.

6:29 AM:  You know when you look at the city from a far distance and it almost looks like a painting? Or just a picture? Same thing now.  The shades of blue on the horizon and darker as you look towards the west, the clouds and their different shapes, the trees that almost look like silhouettes, the tiny bit of yellows and oranges beginning to peak and form at the basis of the light blue.  Beautiful is an understatement.

6:40 AM: This tops ANY date I ever have gone on and ever will go on.

6:50 AM:  What is more beautiful then His glory?

6:58 AM:   Goodmorning!!!!!:)<3 a="a" am="am" and="and" anything="anything" as="as" be="be" being="being" did.="did." difference="difference" distant="distant" e="e" everything.="everything." focus="focus" getting="getting" god="god" had="had" he="he" heaven="heaven" him="him" i="i" in="in" is="is" it:="it:" it="it" ith="ith" just="just" know="know" laughed.="laughed." likes="likes" love="love" make="make" many="many" matter="matter" mind="mind" morning="morning" my="my" n="n" nbsp="nbsp" negative="negative" not="not" of="of" ome="ome" on="on" p="p" person="person" realized="realized" say="say" seriously.="seriously." simple="simple" so="so" something="something" sometimes="sometimes" start="start" sunrise="sunrise" sure="sure" t="t" that="that" the="the" things="things" this="this" thought.="thought." time:="time:" to="to" used="used" ut="ut" ve="ve" watching="watching" well="well" who="who" why="why" with="with" won="won" would="would" you="you">

Sunrise: 6:58 AM.

God's been wooing me for the past couple of days, but theism morning it's like he popped the question.  He speaks to us and does things through us and romances us in ways that we understand and relate to.  For me, that's the cheesy, but cute little comments that make me blush, unforgettable moments like watching the sun rise and songs that speak to me.  He has pursued me in all of those areas.  For other it could be words of affirmation or feeling the touch of His grace.  Either way, He's pursuing us with an unending love that will literally blow you away.  He is a jealous God.  And longs for our hearts.  I pray those of you that needed to hear this today, do.  And I pray for those that are on fire to burn even brighter.
"Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6

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