Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So far so good!

Wow.  All I can say is wow.  The past couple days could not have gone any better.  This school is seriously one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  What I love is how the Holy Spirit is just ALL over the place.  He is moving throughout each class room and it is incredible.  So far, the first 3 classes that I have had have opened up in prayer.  I mean, how cool is that?! There is a sense of peace that floods the building and a spirit of comfort that rests on everyone.  This place feels like a home away from home.  I never want to leave! Seriously! I get so say when the day is over and when I have to wait until the next day to come back.  I cannot WAIT to start studying and do the assignments I have so far.  God is SO faithful.  Never would I thought that I could come to my dream college and feel this. I have waited so long for this and it's only going up hill from here.  Wow.  Yesterday, I was left speechless.  The professors are understanding, REAL, and present the material in such a way that it's exciting and intriguing to learn.  I cannot wait to see where things go a month, 2 months, A YEAR, from now.  This marks the beginning of an incredible, long, but blessed journey.  Here we go:)

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